Pull out one Andrew Jackson and two George Washingtons and you’ll be on the fast track to cut your living expenses in half—or more. That one small purchase could be all it takes to get you on the path of living well for for far less money than what you’re spending now.
The second edition of A Better Life for Half the Price is out now!
The subtitle kind of says it all: How to thrive on less money in the cheapest places to live.
This is not a book about hoarding pennies, making big sacrifices, and giving up the splurges you enjoy most just to pay your housing and medical expenses. It’s about living a richer life at the same time you’re lowering expenses. Yes, you can have your cake and eat it too by just changing your address.
A Better Life for Half the Price Book Options
The e-book is available here and the paperback version of A Better Life for Half the Price is out now at Amazon. The list price is $21.95, but sometimes Amazon puts it on sale for less than $20. It’s also available on the Canada site, the UK site and other Amazon sites worldwide. In some cases it’s still listed as a preorder, but it’ll be rolling out everywhere soon. Your local bookstore can also get it from Ingram with their usual discount, ISBN number 978-1733382090.
You won’t find a Kindle or Kobo version out through Amazon or Kobo though because I only sell the e-book direct through my book site. You can get any version for any reader, but I do this so I can offer multiple packages at different price points for those who want more assistance and I can keep in touch with buyers because I know who they are. For instance, I gave anyone who bought the old edition in 2020 a free download of the new one and offered anyone else who bought the past version a 75% off rate. I could only do that because I had a record of who purchased. Plus I can get compensated more for working on this for most of 2020 and putting together 150,000 words of wisdom from research and interviews.
If you’re just curious and want the book alone, that’s fine. If you’re beyond the dreaming stage and are starting to put the wheels in motion, the “Committed” package includes a private Facebook group, quarterly conference calls, a batch of extra reports, and an insiders newsletter.
The top package (“All In”) includes all that plus two one-on-one consulting sessions and answers to personal questions by e-mail.
Check out the e-book options here. Those are instant if you have an e-reader device you like.
This is not some wimpy short e-book that makes you go, “I paid how much for that?” In print it is 364 pages long, packed with great general info on moving to another country to cut your expenses in half, as well as specific recommendations where the cost of living is low and the place is foreigner-friendly enough for you to set up residency there. You’ll hear stories and real prices from people already living the dream of a better life for far less money. Even if you skip half of it, the book should save you thousands of dollars and a hundred hours of wasted effort. It’ll help you avoid common mistakes and lessen your trips to the immigration office.
There are some nice benefits to a paper book, however. It never runs out of batteries and you can loan it to whomever you want. You can fold pages, write in the margins, or stick in Post-it notes. It’s nice to read a real book in bed so you can end your day not staring at a glowing screen. Get it here.
The first edition had an audiobook eventually and this one will too, through Audible, Amazon, and iTunes. That process takes a while though because it’s not possible to hire the voice actor until the paperback is out and then they have to spend all that time recording it.
Praise for the Best Book on Moving Abroad
The first edition of this book was the top seller for moving abroad most months since its release. It garnered 116 reviews on Amazon if you want to see what others who have read this cheap living abroad book have to say. The most-used words and phrases, according to Amazon, included “honest,” “trustworthy, and “pros and cons.” The few bad ones complained about my political statements, as if emigration and travel aren’t impacted by health care policy, environmental practices, tax schemes, economic decisions, and immigration policy.
Here are the advance reviews for the new one that are on the back cover.
This is one of those special books that has the ability to immediately change your life in the best ways imaginable. Stop wasting time wandering around the Internet trying to figure out all of this on your own! A Better Life for Half the Price contains everything you need to create an incredible new lifestyle abroad.
– Jason Moore, Host of the Zero to Travel Podcast and co-Founder of Location Indie
If you have that itch to leave the country of your birth and set up shop elsewhere, then this is the best book you could invest in. This is a must-read before you make the decision to get on that plane and fly away.
– Mikkel Thorup, Director at EscapeArtist.com and Host Of The Expat Money Show Podcast
This book is packed with research on some choice countries to consider for enjoying your best life abroad and offers plenty of interviews and examples of those who have successfully taken the plunge. Once Leffel has guided you through the many low-cost options around the world, be primed to transform your daydreams into practical reality.
– Gregory Hubbs, Editor-in-Chief, TransitionsAbroad.com
A Better Life for Half the Price is the perfect resource to figure out where in the world to move and creates realistic expectations of what the process will be like. An ideal balance of inspiration and information without any sugar-coating.
– Nora Dunn, author and Founder of TheProfessionalHobo.com
What the Expats Have to Say About Their Living Expenses
I took advantage of this pandemic lockdown and contacted a lot of expats living in the 20+ countries featured in this book. I got stories, opinions, and advice from people living in Mexico and Argentina, Bulgaria and Portugal, India and Malaysia, and beyond. So while I live in Mexico and I’ve spent time in every country featured except Georgia, you’re not just getting my advice. You hear real numbers and actual expense levels from people like you who have made the move.
Where I live in Mexico, three of us coasted on $2,100 a month when my daughter was in private school and we rented, as little as $800 a month for two during the lockdown when we weren’t going out since we own our house now free and clear. Our living expenses have dropped by a lot more than half just by crossing a border. But nearly everything about our lives has improved: bigger house, going out more, a better diet, and less stress.
There are plenty of other places on this big planet where you can do the same though. I interviewed couples easily coasting on $1,500 a month or living extravagantly for less than $2,000. You can find examples of singles spending $1,000 per month who having the times of their lives. I spoke with singles, couples, and families who cut their expenses in half (or more) as soon as they got set up in such diverse locations as Panama, Hungary, Georgia, and Vietnam.
See a taste here:
To see the depth of research that goes into these book chapters, check out posts on this blog about the cost of living in India or moving to Panama.
Are you happy with your finances? Are you content with how much you’re paying for your basic living expenses each month, like your rent/mortgage and healthcare? Does the future look cheery and bright where you are in the USA, Canada, the UK, or Australia?
If not, invest the equivalent of a few beers or a casual dinner out and learn how to save tens of thousands of dollars per year, in a place that ticks off all your boxes. See more at the Cheap Living Abroad site.
Steve Marshall
Wednesday 11th of November 2020
Tim scores another winner! I've worn out the first edition of this book and am looking forward to the second. Having lived and worked in Africa and Asia, I can attest to the veracity and honesty of his writing and the value it brings to anyone thinking of movng abroad. I can also attest from personal experience that Tim is diligent in answering emails about livinig overseas. As he notes, ,for the cost of a dinner out, you'll get a treasure trove of valuable information aboout living in other countries. DON't leave home without this book!
Tim Leffel
Friday 13th of November 2020
Thanks so much Steve!