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Tanzania with a Hustler, Healing Through Travel, and a Pilgrim’s Walk in France

Raja Ampat travel Indonesia

photo (c) Jeni Kardinal

With a strange subject line like that, you know it’s time for a new issue of Perceptive Travel online magazine, home to some of the best stories on the web, written by wandering book authors. In the May issue, we take you to four continents through four traveling tales, long-form narratives that dig deeper and ask some bigger questions than your typical vacation fluff.

Travel Stories From Four Continents

Long-time contributor Beebe Bahrami has just published the Moon Camino de Santiago guidebook and she has written before about the famous well-trodden Spanish pilgrimage trail. For this article she brings us a story from the French Pyrenees part, but with unfortunate timing as it’s hunting season. See Quiet for Pigeon, Loud for Boar, Shoulder-high for Rabbit.

When traveling independently in Tanzania, it’s good to have someone savvy as your guide, like a former hustler (“flycatcher”) who has gone legit. The one employed by Claudia Flisi makes problems disappear and finds the locals’ path for a waterfall hike. See Touring Arusha With the Flycatchers in Tanzania.

What happens to our body when we stop focusing on what’s ailing us and go move around in a different place, with a change of scenery? One traveler on an Indonesian sailing ship finds daily walks and snorkeling around island reefs to be the best post-surgery therapy. See Healed by Adventure Travel on the Way to Raja Ampat.

I add a story on the Montreal International Festival of Jazz during a heat wave, with a side visit to a museum devoted to the inventor of the gramophone. See Days of Musical Bliss at the Montreal Jazz Festival.

RCA Victor Berliner Museum Montreal in the May issue of Perceptive Travel

William Caverlee handles the travel book reviews this month. He looks at books on quasi-countries you didn’t know existed, the golden age of extreme explorers, and a guide to living in China as an English teacher. See them all here.

Who Needs Some New Travel Clothing?

Every month, one lucky Perceptive Travel subscriber wins a new travel gear item from one of our sponsors. That means you’ve got 12 chances a year to score if you’re on the insiders list and in the know.

In April, reader Lloyd P. from Washington State entered for his second time and scored a nice pair of Live Lite Pants from Duer.

Royal Robbins dress for traveling

If you’re a guy and you missed that one, you’ve got another chance to score some pants for your next trip, this time from Royal Robbins. If a woman wins during the May issue of Perceptive Travel, she’ll get the Spotless Traveler Tank Dress pictured above. See more info on both at the Royal Robbins website.

It’s easy to get in on this action. Just sign up to become a part of the Perceptive Travel e-mail issue update community. Then watch for the entry instructions near the beginning of each month. If you’re reading after this month’s blast has already gone out, you can also follow Perceptive Travel on Facebook and pay close attention to the feed for gear giveaway instructions.


Thursday 16th of May 2024

Tanzania is best for safari tour..